Mt. Shasta Sacred Waters Summertime Retreat

Meet me in California this summer, June 25th to June 28th, and let’s explore the unseen magic and mystery of the sacred spring waters and Lemurian gateways through song and ceremony.

Sacred Waters Retreat

  • Sing, every day, and discover your soul song. Learn how to listen deep to the song inside of you, how to bring this song from the depth of your body, and how to feel confident, free and safe while you sing for yourself and others.

  • You will learn the Harmonize Communication Techniques, and together we will look intimately at areas in life where our voice is the tool to achieve success, joy and authenticity. We will tackle the larger problems you are currently facing and together discover solutions and plans of action to bring through the True You.

  • Wellness is integrated into every day. From daily walks, dancing, singing, meditating and healthy food- you will feel like a rockstar and shining like one too! Additionally I will guide you through the EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapping) so that we can access and clear subconscious trauma that is the root cause of suffering, illusion, separation and fear. This aspect of the Harmonize voice activation work is immediate, and has proven to have a 80% first time effectiveness rate in clearing PTSD.

  • We will visit the spring source, and gather pristine waters for drinking and communing with. You wil guided into visualizations and meditations to connect us to Gaia and the Lemurian Lineages of Mt.Shasta. Every evening you will be guided into dream time work, to access and unlock further messages from your guides, ancestors and angels.

    Everything you learn here at this retreat is designed for you to take back home and integrate into your regular daily lives. You will increase and improve your intuition and creativity. The more you do these practices overtime, the more magic will be revealed in your daily life.

  • I am so excited to meet you and learn all about your vision and your voice! Here is what you need to do next:

    1. Fill out the application form by clicking the application button.

    2. Save the date, June 25th to June 28th.

    3. Plan to be in Mt. Shasta California during this time.

    4. Send your deposit of $600 immediately to secure your spot. This is an intimate retreat, and spaces are limited

    5. Invite the people love to come with you, and open into your voice and mystic together in a safe, joyful and healing container.

Singing with Sacred Waters

  • The earth has a voice, Gaia is alive, like you and me. There are complex eco systems thriving with vital communities of insects, animals, plants, waters and more. The mountain, rock, river and trees all have a Spirit and Consciousness. Through singing, we can open up our capacity to sing and speak with these elements.

  • Voice Activation is a simple singing and toning modality that helps you gain confidence, joy and trust. It opens your throat chakra, clears the mind and strengthens your communication and listening skills while also connecting you to your intuition.

  • Marly will guide you a series of practices that are designed as a self empowerment tool. She provides a comprehensive digital book, playlists and app recommendations so that you can do these practices at home on a regular basis and experience the continued effects long after this retreat ends. This practice will change your life. All you have to do is follow along and learn the Harmonize method.

  • When Marly’s voice woke up unexpectedly in 2017, she didn’t understand what was happening and had nothing to guide her but a new sense of intuition and courage.

    This intuition guided her on a vision quest to India, where she spent two months studying the temple singing art of Ragas with Masters of the tradition. What she learned changed her life, from the inside out.

    Upon her return to Los Angeles, she was intuitively guided to teach others, and this began her journey of developing the practice. Since this time she has tested and shared the Harmonize Voice Activation technique with children to senior citizens, across many countries and cultures, at festivals and in workshops and 1:1 with clients.

    In 2019, Marly listened to her intuition again and was guided to move to Hawaii. She settled into an ancient mango grove, and shortly after the COVID pandemic broke out. During quarantine Marly spent her days in the 500 year old forest and along the lava shores and in the ocean waters, singing and listening to nature. It was here she discovered the voice of nature.

    In 2022 she was guided to move to Bali, Indonesia. There she learned the original religion of the people was Agama Tirta- the worshipping of the water. She began frequenting the water temples and sat in ceremony with the priests and priestesses. Animism, commonly known by indigenous cultures around the world, is a gateway to reconnecting with the natural world and mystical realms.

  • Every person experiences unique revelations and growth. Here are common examples:

    • Singing, lots of singing

    • Connection to the natural world and magic

    • Awakening of the Goddess and Oracle within each of us

    • Intuitive Strengthening

    • Ability to Communicate

    • Self Empowerment

    • Cooperation

    • Confidence

    • Clarity

    • Motivation

    • Support through Transition

    • Improved Relationships

    • Forgiveness and Compassion

    • New Healthy Boundaries

    • Improved sleep, health and self image

    • Inner peace and acceptance

    • Inner child healing and a new sense of Play!

    • Relaxation and Joy

    • Promotions and Pay Increases

    • Fulfillment and Satisfaction in work, home and love life

Retreat Testimonials

“This work can be done by anyone on the journey to self discovery and awareness. It is one of the many doors that need to be opened either at the beginning or end of the most important reason we are here: To know who we are and why we came here and to express that best way possible. The sooner the better.

Douglas Miller

“Marly is incredibly intuitive and guided divinely to what each individual in the group may need. There has never been the same suggestion to any two people in our containers, she gives personally tailored support to just what each person needs. Giving the ability to learn what you need at that moment, but also if you pay attention, something that you may need in a future state that may arise in yourself so may be better equipped when the time is right.”


“You’re getting so much more than voice activation, because voice requires that we face darkness inside ourselves. Marly is an expert at guiding through this process. I am building communities in friendships now, I’m finding my authority in my voice through leading, and I changed my whole marketing strategy to be more aligned. I created and started my own program with 7 participants.

Kendra Kae