About Marly Benedicto

Glimpse into my Life

Before waking up to my purpose, I spent over ten years working in the corporate fashion industry.

I worked for Urban Outfitters, Victoria's Secret, and prAna bridging communication and culture between Store, Corporate and C-Level Executives. I wore many hats as I went into underperforming locations to maximize employee engagement and business results.

My personal interest and studies in psychology and neuroscience made me very good at this. I applied my insights to shine a light on the human psyche and emotional needs, empowering individuals with autonomy and choice. As my studies in eastern philosophy, new paradigm romantic relationships, and sacred sexuality deepened, I began to invest more of my time and energy into private mindfulness coaching. In 2017 I left the corporate industry for good to pursue a full-time career in meditation teaching and life coaching.

Today, I work with impact innovators and leaders of change, bridging international communities of artists, entrepreneurs and light workers. With our skills and resources combined, we are working together to create regenerative and sustainable systems and structures that will forever change how we interrelate as a species and with mother earth.

Before Voice Activation come into my field,

I Had Sold My Voice

As the words came out of my mouth a ripple of terror that arrives at witnessing personal trauma moved through my spine and around my throat. She held space for me as we recounted the 10 years I had worked in corporate fashion, motivating and inspiring thousands of employees and clients for companies and causes that were not aligned with my soul calling.


Gripped with fear and fueled by my soul calling,

I asked for the shadows to receive me so that I may better understand my role and what must be transgressed to be in greater service to the Divine.

Through the black weeds, I came upon story after story from lifetimes where I incarnated with the same dharma, to bring mental liberation. Strangled as a slave, exalted as a queen, revered as a wisdom keeper… life after life I used my voice to herald the unseen.

I stopped associating with popular rationale and opted into intuition. I was guided to travel to India, it was here during a Vipassana that I encountered and began to embody the Goddess of Liberation, Green Tara. Late one night, raptured in Buddhist study, I dedicated my life to the path of the Mahayana. The following morning I was unexpectedly summoned to visit the Great Dali Lama himself. There are many magical and beyond the imagination occurrences that took place during this time… but the entire purpose for the trip turned out to be for my personal voice activation journey.

While in India I was healing from a traumatic breakup, my heart was ruptured and there were days that the pain was unbearable. Singing was what brought me back to life. Singing, moving vibrations through my body with deep breathing, was the only thing that kept my heart open. I studied the traditional ragas and harmonium with music masters across the country, cross-legged on temple floors and in eclectic living rooms. In India music is spiritual, it's an act of devotion. Through my practices, I was freed from the samsaric cycles of grief and illuminated once again with direct contact to the Divine and Gai.

Upon return to America, I was guided to begin sharing these practices. At first, it didn't make sense. But workshop after workshop showed stunning results of participants remembering and releasing trauma simply through intentional vocal exercises. I witnessed complete strangers recall past lives and karmic contracts with one another through facilitated singing and eye gazing alone. In awe of what was unfolding before my very eyes, deeper reverence took root for the tools that had been bestowed upon me while living in India. The message was clear, music is the medicine of the future.

When We Take Action To Actualize Our Visions And Dreams,


At every single step, I learned to become my own harbor of courage, presence, compassion, and celebration.

After a colorful artist revival in the magical mountains of Mexico, I moved to the jungle and spent nearly two years off grid in deep nature immersion. During this time, my psychic gifts integrated in unprecedented ways, and I began working with a multidimensional devotion that very few understand and relate to. During COVID I took lease of  a historic chapel and activated it as a Lemurian sound healing temple. This artist community space became an incubator for the study of new world development, vibrational medicine, as well as ritual performance and sound ceremony. When Spirit revealed that it was time to anchor the vision, I closed the historical chapel and formed a legal church called Gaia Temple 508c1a to carry on the vision and mission of this sacred moment in time. Today, most of the work I undertake is private and held in council with intentional community members, business partners and occasionally clients who become an ally in shared purpose. 

Today I continue to go into my fears, but I do so with a sense of adventure and play. What lies on the other side of an ego-ic death is spaciousness and clarity. The story continues, the visions lead on. I invite you to bring to life your very own song.