"I feel much stronger in communicating with others and sharing my thoughts; I feel like I am now more open to others and I sense powerful energy in my body." - Sasha Kahrovska


We begin on Thursday, September 6th 2024 - Early bird special available until August 1st

Free your voice and experience total confidence, clarity and authenticity as you awaken your soul song and master communication.

Welcome to an independent and in-depth online course for healing, singing & communication.

Do you want to know how good it feels to express your authentic self, speak your truth, and be seen and heard for who you truly are…

While also healing yourself somatically with singing and toning exercises that relieve stress and anxiety, and also empower your voice?

Your life is in your hands, and your voice is the most powerful tool you have to conscious design the lifestyle and experiences you’ve been desiring.

This is your invitation to activate your voice.

Everyone desires lasting joy and freedom based on self love and authentic self expression.

But hardly anyone knows the effective and practical tools to get there.

Harmonize™ voice activation blends ancient temple Indian singing arts with western psychology and modern somatic healing practices into a powerful system of tools that enable accelerated personal transformation.

Discover how you can bring your mind, body and Spirit into Harmony by taking the Harmonize™ 6 week independent online course.

Harmonize™ Voice Activation

Listen to what others have to say about how working together has shifted their life! Joing this Six-Week (30-Hour) Harmonize™ Healing, Singing and Communication Independent Online Course.

Harmonize Digital Course, Early Bird
Sale Price:$800.00 Original Price:$1,100.00
Register Here!



Somatic Healing

With EFT and toning sessions you will heal from fear, shame, doubt, worry and insecurity while also rediscovering a free, creative and confident new sense of self that is connected to a state of play and wholeness. You will feel brand new.

Open Throat Chakra

You'll identify and heal the wounds of your voice: abandonment, resentment, isolation, and feeling unsupported. Weekly lessons will equip you with the ability to recognize when you are triggered, and shut down, and how to become present and reconnected to your power and self worth. As a result, you'll watch your self-compassion evolve and develop an authentic ability to express, creating for healthy and harmonized relationships.

Sing your Soul Song

You’ll be able to sing joyfully with yourself and others as you practice daily singing rituals, feeling the pleasure and healing of your voice in your body. You'll be guided into finding your own unique voice with tools to become a channel for the ancient voices to move through you, no matter how intimated you feel. You’ll rediscover your play in the face of challenges, and let your mind get out of the way.

Empowered Communication

With Communication Formulas and Self Reflection Exercises you will learn how to listen to your intuition and feel empowered to clearly communicate, no matter how big or small the conversation. You will find the freedom overcoming people pleasing patterns as it becomes easier and easier to speak your truth.

 Meet your coach . . .

Marly Benedicto

Much like many children, I observed a sense of shame and embarrassment surrounding adults singing abilities and their natural self expression. This left an imprint on me. I recognized my own creative talents, but fear held me back. In my adult life, this fear morphed into a paralyzing anxiety about pursuing my creativity, speaking my truth and going against the grain. Strangely, as I became more self-aware, I realized these fears were a guiding compass pointing me towards my most profound healing.

A desire to know myself better drove me to uncover the root of my fears and how I could unleash my voice. This quest led me to India, where I immersed myself in teachings from spiritual mentors, masters of voice and harmonium. My exploration expanded into tantra, energy medicine and somatic healing, peeling back the layers of ancestral and past-life traumas linked to authentic vocal expression and the Shakti Woman.

Over time, I've unearthed a profound understanding. The process of facing my fear of communication and singing has been more intricate than I ever anticipated. Focusing on the relationship with my voice unveiled the truth that I wasn’t able to authentically express my true self because I hadn’t been connected to my inner intuitive-voice.

So many of us have accidentally built a life out of people pleasing and unconscious avoidant self-preservation patterns. When we face the fear of singing and using our voice, it becomes a safe space to practice facing our fears and practicing authenticity in all areas of life. No one taught us how to listen to our inner voice, and speak from this place.

Summoning the courage to express our intuition and creativite capacity, for most of us, seems overwhelming. Yet, transcending that fear empowers us with the realization that achieving the impossible is within reach. You deserve to meet your wild, untamed creative expression and harness the true potential of your soul path.

Let me guide you on this transformative journey.

Sign up now for the Harmonize™ 6 Week online community course. Early bird is available until August 1st.

To learn more about dates, times and commitment, check out the core pillars section further down on this page.

Harmonize Digital Course, Early Bird
Sale Price:$800.00 Original Price:$1,100.00
Register Here!



Core Pillars

  • The Live Masterclasses of the Harmonize Course delve into the essentials of voice activation, tuning, somatic healing, intentional communication and emotional awareness. This foundational track equips participants with an understanding of holistic approaches to authentic communication, self expression and creativity.

  • The optional Live Deep Dives introduce participants to private coaching with Marly. On these group calls she will offer 1:1 strategic development and talk therapy, as well as healing modalities such as emotional freedom technique and prayer for individuals and the group.

  • The pre-recorded Harmonize Modules are workshop-style practices and self empowerment modalities that are organized by week. They provide guidance and practical examples of when to apply the work. These modules will focus on implementation and internal self discovery. Participants will further explore these modules during the Live Masterclass with Marly.

  • Why are you joining Harmonize? What are the changes you are willing to do, to make this happen? You will identify a final project that will be supported by this course. That may be hosting a sound bath, launching a podcast, preparing for and having a life changing conversation, self publishing a zine, or whatever else your heart desires. Participants will have 6 weeks to initiate and accomplish their final project.

  • 1. Every week 60-90 minutes of Masterclasses

    2. Every week 1-5 hours Harmonize Modules

    3. Twice during the course 60-90 minutes of Deep Dive (LIVE optional)

    4. 60 minutes for peer-communication and group work/interactions (optional)

    5. Every week 1-5 hours for individual Final Projects

    Note: Participants that attend 75% of the Mandatory Masterclasses and submit their final project will be given a Harmonize I Certificate, which is required for Harmonize Teacher Training eligibility.

  • Welcome Initiation: Thursday, September 6th

    Masterclass: Thursday, September 13, 20, 27th and October 4th

    Deep Dives (optional): Tuesday, September 17th and October 1st

    Final Project Presentations: Thursday, October 11th

    Closing Ceremony: Tuesday, October 15th

    Scheduled for like-minded international Communities to gather:

    • Hawaii (HST) 2PM-3PM on Thursdays

    • West Coast USA(PDT) 5PM-6PM on Thursdays

    • Central States USA (CDT) 7PM-8PM on Thursdays

    • Eastern States USA (EDT) 8-9PM on Thursdays

    • Bali Indonesia (WITA) 8AM-9AM on Fridays

    • Sydney Australia (AEST) 10AM-11AM on Fridays

  • Price Matrix:

    $800 Early Bird until August 1st

    $1,100 After Early Bird (August 2nd - On)

    Everyone is welcome, if you are ready to commit to this course but cannot afford to pay the full amount upfront, send me an email and you’ll be put a the payment plan.



What is it?

Harmonize is a six week online course where I teach you how to Harmonize your mind, body and Spirit so that you can experience what feels like to be totally free and authentically expressed as your true self!


What’s in it for me?

Connect to your higher-self and develop the intuitive skills to begin taking action towards making your dream life a reality. You will strengthen your inner voice and also your ability to authentically express and communicate, which results in increased confidence, courage and playful peacefulness.


Can you prove it?

Marly developed the Harmonize method while studying the traditional ragas singing practices in India. This work, blended with a deep study in Buddhism and a blessing by the Dali Lama himself, set me on a new path of discovery that would later include academic research of epigenetic, quantum physics and the body's anatomy to explain the miraculous results that my clients experienced immediately. Multiple clients who had completely lost touch with their singing voice had it restored after only one session- something they each believed was impossible! Many clients have gone on to create their dream jobs, restore relationships with their family members, and opened their hearts to relationships that reflect their true worth and deepest desires.


Will it really give me what I want and need?

The Harmonize method has proved effective for people of all ages, all around the world. Whether you're looking to connect to your soul purpose, to heal from past traumas, or to know what it's like to be radically liberated and feel free to express your most authentic self- this practice will help you uncover your true worth and power. Harmonize will bring your mind, body and spirit into harmony so that you can confidently live your best life.


Will it be worth it? My inconvenience, time and money?

Clients have had miraculous results in just one session, and this six week course will not only give you those results but it will provide lifelong impact by helping reshape the way that you understand yourself. Harmonize will support you in accessing the subconscious mind, so that you can rewrite the programming that tells you that you're too much, that you are unlovable, and that you don't deserve success and love now! Your voice deserves to be heard, you deserve to be seen in your whole potential!


What will others say? Can I justify it?

Clients in the Harmonize method have radically transformed their lives. This work will not only impact your life, it will have a ripple effect of healing for those around you. One client reestablished a loving relationship with her mom after 30+ years of trauma and distance. Another client found forgiveness for her parents even though they had died, and as a result of finding peace with her father, her heart opened up and the love of her life and now father of her family came into her life. Multiple clients realized their deepest passion and life calling, and used this insight along with the communication skills learned to become an advocate for themselves, resulting in them successfully creating their dream jobs. 


Do I really need it now?

Right now is the time to take action, to take your life into your own hands. Ask yourself, what is the cost of doing the things the same way I've been doing them? What is the potential that's awaiting me if I make the changes? Don't put your joy, success, love and unlimited potential off for one more moment! Change can be scary, and that's why I'm here to hold your hand through the process. I am here to offer guidance, support, reflection and celebration every step of the way.